Our salute to the superheroes in Leicester

If this past month has taught us anything, it may well be this.

And that is never to take anything for granted.

Our health, and that of our loved ones.

Our freedom, and just how precious it is.

And, the superheroes we are blessed with and what they do for us.

There are genuine Supermen and Wonder Women who walk among us in Leicester and who we rely on more than we ever realised.

They are giants protecting those of us who seek refuge in the reassurance and protection of their shadows.

They are the NHS, the delivery drivers, the carers, the cleaners, the shop staff, the teachers, the bin men and women, the postal workers and the emergency services.

They are our family, friends and neighbours, but often, they are total strangers.

And that is why what they are doing for us is so remarkable.

They are the best versions of us.

Before this, many of them were invisible to society. Many of them were undervalued until it became glaringly evident exactly how precious they really are.

At Knightsbridge Estate Agents we’re just estate agents, but the recent life-changing lessons taught to us by these superheroes have brought home what it really means to be of service.

And at 8 pm this evening we will be joining family, friends, neighbours and strangers across Leicester.

We will be standing on our doorsteps, going onto our balconies, stepping into our back gardens and coming together as one to applaud and salute those superheroes on who our lives depend.

We thank them all.


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