Leicester city council’s

Article 4 Direction Explained

We are often asked what Article 4 is, what it means and how it impacts a landlord and their rental property. We have put together this guide to explain what Article 4 is, the areas covered at present

An article 4 direction is made by the local planning authority. It restricts the scope of permitted development rights either in relation to a particular area or site, or a particular type of development anywhere in the authority’s area. Where an article 4 direction is in effect, a planning application may be required for development that would otherwise have been permitted development. Article 4 directions are used to control works that could threaten the character of an area of acknowledged importance, such as a conservation area.


A property is an HMO if at least three tenants are in residence, they form separate households (i.e. not a family or flat sharers), and they share a bathroom, kitchen, and/or toilet facilities. A large HMO is where at least five tenants share the property and facilities.

Article 4 Directors (A4D)

Many areas are subject to Article 4 directions. This basically means you can’t convert a property into an HMO without applying for planning permission.

C1 – Hotels and Hostels

Class C1 is use as a hotel, boarding or guest house or as a hostel where, in each case, no significant element of care is provided.

C2 – Residential Institutions

Class C2 is use as provision of residential accommodation and care to people in need of care (other than a use within class C3 – dwelling houses).
* a hospital or nursing home
* a residential school, college or training centre

C2A – Secure Residential Institutions

Class C2A is use as: Prison, Young Offenders Institution, Detention Centre, Secure training centre, custody centre, short-term holding centre, secure hospital, secure local authority accommodation, military barracks

C3 – Houses, Flats, Apartments

Class C3 is use as a dwelling house (whether or not as a sole or main residence)
* by a single person or by people living together as a family, or
* by not more than 6 residents living together as a single household (including a household where care is provided for residents)

C4 – HMO (Houses in Multiple Occupation)

Class C4 is use as for small shared dwelling houses occupied by between 3-6 unrelated individuals, as their only or main residence, who share basic amenities such as a kitchen or bathroom.

It’s important to note that the specific rules and requirements for HMOs and licensed HMOs can vary widely depending on the local authority. Landlords and property owners should familiarise themselves with the regulations in their specific area to ensure compliance

Boundary & Article 4 Areas

The Local Authority ran a consultation between 18th November 2021 and 13th January 2022 on the proposed changes to the Article 4 areas.

Having received confirmation from the planning department at Leicester City Council, the proposed new areas will be included within the Article 4 designated areas from 24th November 2022.

It is estimated that a total of 9,649 properties will be affected by Article 4 across the Leicester City area, representing 6.8% of the total housing stock for the area.

Affected Areas

You can see if you are affected by using Leicester City Council’s mapping tool

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Registered Address: 72 Queens Road | Clarendon Park | Leicester | LE2 1TU

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