
Knightsbridge Estate Agents

Our Blog

Here at Knightsbridge Estate Agents, we are passionate about all things property. Our blog is a space where we share valuable insights, expert tips, and the latest property buying, selling, and investing trends.


As experienced estate agents, we understand that navigating the property market can be exciting and overwhelming. Whether you are a first-time buyer, a seasoned investor, or a homeowner looking to sell, our blog is designed to be your trusted resource throughout your property journey.

When searching for a new home, do you scroll past properties that look a little worse for wear? You know the ones, where the carpet hasn’t been changed since the 70s and the floral wallpaper is curling off the walls?   Lots of buyers look for newly renovated or new-build

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Whether you’re marketing a one-bedroom flat or a seven-bedroom mansion, the same rule usually applies – big is beautiful.   We’re talking about big rooms, of course! It’s well known that a home that feels spacious will always fetch a higher price than a similar property that comes across as

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If you’ve become a landlord due to unexpected circumstances such as bereavement or a new relationship, here’s some helpful advice. A two-minute read. It’s surprising how many people become landlords more by chance than design – or in other words, ‘accidental landlords’. Whether through inheritance, a change in a relationship

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Want to reduce carbon emissions, traffic congestion, and the risk of childhood obesity? Then step right up and out for Walk to School Week (16 to 20 May).   Next week’s event, organised by the charity Living Streets, encourages children and their carers to leave the car at home and

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This eight-point plan outlines the best way landlords can manage the issue of energy bills. A two-minute read. This year’s colossal hike in energy costs has left millions of households reeling. And with no relief in sight, the problem is likely to stay at the top of the agenda throughout

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Before you were a property owner, chances are windows were something you just looked out of to take in the view. You probably didn’t give them much thought and you might have cleaned them occasionally. That was it.   Now, as a homeowner, your single, double, or triple glazing means

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Have you got a big one? A small one? Maybe you’ve got a wonky one. Whatever its shape or size, we’ve all got one. We’re talking about your hooter. Smack bang in the middle of your face; the nose is a great tool when trying to sell your home. Known

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As trusted local letting agents, we work with a lot of landlords. Finding tenants, managing properties, organising inspections – we take care of each step. However, more and more landlords are choosing to work alone, but is it as easy as they think?   Here’s why we think working with

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Do something positive for you, your community, and the planet’s health by celebrating National Gardening Week.  There’s nothing quite like a bit of digging, watering, or pruning to calm the nerves and soothe the soul. Gardening is good for our mental and physical health, reducing the risk of depression, osteoporosis,

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What separates a mediocre estate agent from an exceptional one? It’s not what they say; it’s what they do. While some agents talk a big game, in reality, they just go through the motions. But great agents (and we like to think that here at Knightsbridge Estate Agents we fall into

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Here are some questions you should ask yourself before you rent your property to family or friends. Do they need to sign a tenancy agreement? Yes, yes, and yes again! They might be family, but they’re also your tenants and both parties need to know what is expected of them.

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If you can’t read two pages of a book without getting twitchy or struggle to go for an hour without checking social media, then you’re not alone. A recent study by tech giant Microsoft found that the human attention span has shrivelled by 25% in just a few years. It’s

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Selling a home is not a solo project – well, not if you hope to achieve the top selling price. If there’s one piece of property advice worth remembering, it’s this: be wary of anyone who tells you that selling a home is so easy that you should do it

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When a tenant gets in touch, don’t faff about – a prompt response will save you time and money in the long run. A three-minute read.   Picture this: you’re frantically busy at work, scrambling to meet an urgent deadline when your phone pings.   It’s your tenant raising what

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It’s never been more evident in human history that we need to change the way we live if the planet is to have a future. So, this year’s World Earth Day, which takes place on Friday, 22 April, has never been more important. The day which has been taking place

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Hold on to your waistbands, Easter is here. That festival where no matter your age, clothes size, or BMI, you’re allowed to eat as much chocolate as you want.   So, while the kids run around on a sugar high and you polish off yet another egg, here are some

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Taking that first step on the property ladder is simultaneously exciting and terrifying. No matter how old you are, buying your first property will make you feel like a proper grown-up.   Before you even find the right property, there’s lots to learn, so in this quick read, we’ve pulled

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 When they run smoothly, joint tenancies can be a good source of income for landlords. This three-minute read explains how to get the best out of them.   Joint tenancies are a great way for friends or couples to live together and share the rental burden. (Think about best buddies

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Whichever way you look at it, modern life is stressful. And the 2020s? Well so far, this new decade has caused unparalleled levels of stress.   Whether it’s the pressure of daily life, the juggling of responsibilities, or the state of the world right now, stress can have physical, mental,

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If you’re taking out a new mortgage or about to refinance your property, have you considered a green mortgage? No? Never heard of it? Well, that’s what we’re here for.   A green mortgage is not actually new. In fact, the concept was first launched about 30 years ago but

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There’s no quick fix when it comes to maintenance and repairs; to avoid stressful and costly tenant disputes, landlords need to be organised and proactive.   Who is responsible for what? Always check your contract, but as a general rule, landlords are responsible for structural features like walls and chimneys,

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Are you thinking of selling your Leicester home? Then let’s look at two trends that have dominated the market over the past year and see what they mean for you.   Demand is strong   Many people predicted that the robust demand seen in early 2021 would fizzle out when the Stamp

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When it comes to tenant selection, there’s a saying that all landlords should heed: Go with the right tenant, not the first tenant. Sometimes, landlords are so eager to see rent payments rolling in that they treat the reference checking process as a tick-box exercise rather than an investigative one.

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There’s one financial institution that never seems to go out of fashion, and that’s the dear old Bank of Mum and Dad (or BOMAD for people who like acronyms).   About half of all first-time buyers (FTBs) last year relied on BOMAD, with parents dishing out a record £9.8 billion

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Property portals have revolutionised the market, but can an algorithm replicate an astute estate agent’s experience, empathy, and enthusiasm? A two-minute read.   Here’s a statistic that sums up just how integral the internet is to buying and selling property these days: 98% of people start their home search online.

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From toxic tenants to financial friction – there are many reasons why a landlord might want to end a tenancy. These reasons can include: The tenant has breached their contract by missing rent payments, subletting, or trashing the property. Relations between the tenant and landlord have turned toxic. The property

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Landlords looking to secure reliable, long-term tenants shouldn’t overlook a growing demographic in the rental sector – the older renter. Recent statistics* show that the proportion of people aged 45 to 54 who rent is 16% (up 5% in ten years). During the same period, the proportion of renters aged

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Today is World Sleep Day so let’s look at why a good night’s kip is so important.  The pandemic has impacted almost every area of our lives, including our ability to enjoy a deep and blissful slumber. Studies in the UK, US, China, and Italy have all found that since

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If you’re experiencing financial difficulties, you may be considering selling your home. This is a very challenging decision and needs to be given some serious thought. In this two-minute read, we look at some areas to think about before you decide whether to sell your property or not. This piece

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Landing the perfect job is a dream for most, but what if that opportunity is in a different part of the country? Or abroad? If this is the case, relocation may be the only solution. Selling your home when you need to move out of Leicester isn’t easy. You’ve got

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To mark International Women’s Day, we look at four British women who made history in their respective fields. A three-minute, fantastic females-themed read. They may not be household names, but these four pioneering British women deserve our admiration and respect.  Helen Sharman – Britain’s first astronaut The Sheffield-born chemist was working at

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Calling all landlords! Have you checked your buy-to-let property’s Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating lately? No? Unfortunately, there have been some legal changes that might mean you’ve got some work to do (and money to spend), so you need to keep reading. An EPC details how energy efficient a property

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Devious fraudsters are hacking the emails of buyers and sellers, sometimes with devastating consequences. A two-minute read. Hackers and cyber fraudsters went to town in the UK last year, swindling £1.3 billion in just six months – a three-fold increase on the same period the previous year.* Gangs used all

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With the rental market changing enormously over the past decade, savvy landlords need to stay on their toes to make the most of their investment.  General trends Since 2010, the sector has almost doubled in size; these days, about 19% of all households rent. Many tenants are renting for longer.

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Life, as we knew it pre-pandemic, is gradually looking more like it used to, as Governments across the UK relax Covid-19 rules. This is exciting for many but it can also feel a bit overwhelming as activity levels rise. It’s important to take responsibility for looking after ourselves so we

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It’s often thought that being a landlord is easy: buy a property, rent it out, and hey presto! You’re all set. Unfortunately, it’s never that simple, and many landlords look to sell up for an easier life. Whether it’s age, personal circumstances or changes in the law, in this article,

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With a raft of high-tech home security gadgets on the market, it’s easier than ever to keep your family, pets, and precious belongings safe. Whether installing a completely new system or tightening up existing security measures, Leicester homeowners have plenty of options to choose from. Smart system There’s an app for

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When you visit a show home, it’s easy to imagine yourself sitting at the beautifully laid table, sinking back into the comfy sofa or settling in for a night’s sleep in a luxury bedroom. Every room has been set up to tempt you. But is a new-build home really the

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Sometimes, all it takes is a smile or wave to make someone smile. It’s free, it’s polite and most of all, it’s kind. February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day. Yes, a whole day dedicated to being nice. Started by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation in America, the

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If you do a quick Google search on ‘how to keep love alive’, communication comes out on top of many of the pieces of advice shared. Almost all relationships benefit from good communication. And that advice extends beyond being a partner, parent, or friend – it can easily be applied

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So, you’re keen to sell your home but you’re just not getting any offers. What’s going on? How can you make your home more attractive to potential buyers?  What’s that smell? Your home is your castle, but your pong is also your pong. If a buyer walks into a property

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Are you a landlord with a new rental property? Are you about to decorate? Step away from the colour charts, put down the paintbrush, and read on. Sometimes, it’s hard to separate your personal taste from your rental. After all, you’ve paid a lot of money for it, and you’ve

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The internet is a weird and wonderful place. Where else can you find answers to complex questions in seconds, or see pics of your mate’s terrible 1992 hairstyle in a few clicks? Love it or hate it, many of us spend hours a day online, browsing, posting, reading, and downloading.

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When it comes to buying a home, there’s a word that buyers don’t like to hear, but it really is a critical element of any property purchase. And that word is ‘compromise’. People often expect to step inside a property and know that they’ve found The One. But in most

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Our tax system is often criticised for being complicated and unwieldy, but by following two simple rules you can take the stress and hassle out of filing a return.  Rule Number 1: Do your homework Raise your hand if you find the subject of tax dull? You’re not alone, many

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Now’s the time to give your spare room some serious thought about how to make the best use of this extra space in your home. Especially after the past 18 months, we’ve all experienced, which have changed the way many people use it. Below are seven things you can do

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Star Trek fans, look away now. “It’s a home, Jim, but not as we know it.” The original phrase (we’ve replaced life with a home) didn’t even feature in the popular sci-fi show, apparently, but we’re digressing. If you’re interested in what life will be like in the homes of

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Before becoming a landlord, you need to consider how you want to buy your rental property. There’s lots of tricky tax stuff to consider and changes to tax relief over the last few years mean that becoming a landlord might not be as profitable as you first think. So, what

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What’s the difference between a landlord and a property investor? Aren’t they the same thing? Does one rent out properties and the other sell them on? If these questions have got you scratching your head, read on.   Long term vs short term Keeping it simple, a landlord makes a

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Houseplants add colour and freshness to work and living spaces – and deliver a host of health benefits. As this week is Houseplant Week UK, let’s look at the do’s and don’ts of cultivating indoor plants.   Reasons to green your scene If you take good care of your houseplants,

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Next Monday is, according to social scientists, the most depressing day on the calendar. It even has a name. Such is the doom and gloom attached to it – Blue Monday. It’s the perfect storm of wintry weather, festive spending credit card debts coming in, New Year’s resolutions falling by

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Householders were hit with budget-busting energy price hikes in 2021 – a trend that looks set to continue well into the new year. Here are some ways to claw back some cash on your heating bills and help the environment at the same time. Small steps Individually these measures offer

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A survey of 2,000 Brits found that there’s only one thing more stressful than getting divorced – and that’s moving home.* Spare a thought then for people who sell their home when their long-term relationship ends. They find themselves dealing with two of life’s most challenging moments at the same

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It’s 2022. A new year, new hopes, and a new focus on getting rid of old ways of doing things that are holding us back. And landlords are not immune to wanting a fresh start. January always sees us have plenty of enquiries from landlords keen to improve the way

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Remember when you were younger and you couldn’t wait to move out of your parents’ house, rent your own place and live independently? Well, times are a-changin’, and being an adult with your own bills, mortgage payments, and countless other expenses has lost its charm for many. In fact, more

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According to data analytics firm YouGov, at the end of 2020, around a fifth of the adult population in the UK made New Year’s resolutions. And this year promises to be no different as some of us vow to make a positive change to our lives in 2022. YouGov states

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Being a landlord is not a nine-to-five job. You can’t just switch on your out-of-office and mute your WhatsApp messages because you fancy a break. Well actually, you can – if you have a good letting agent working for you. Here are four ways an agent can help you through

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It’s the night before Christmas, and excitement is reaching fever pitch among children (and adults, some of our team included). But let’s also spare a thought and share some gratitude for the people, around one million of them across the UK, who work on December 25th. While you’re tucking into

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‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. That was until Mum and Dad, joint owners of a rental property, received a panicked phone call from their tenant.    What was the matter? In a highly charged conversation, the

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A conversation among our team recently made us realise that with just over a week to go before Christmas Day, most of us still had people to buy gifts for. So, if you’re in the same situation and need some late/last-minute present inspiration, check out these 15 ideas. For Her

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If you’re a landlord looking to downsize your property portfolio, you may be thinking about selling one or more of your buy-to-let properties. This process isn’t always as straightforward as a regular property sale, so we’ve pulled together some FAQs to think about.   Who should I sell my property

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Every landlord has lost sleep worrying about what goes on in their rental property when they’re not around. There’s always a flicker of fear that a tenant – no matter how trustworthy they seem – might turn out to be a nightmare and cause damage to the property. But carpet

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In this two-minute read, we look at some of the scams targeting Christmas shoppers in Leicester and how to avoid them. Which classic festive song opens with the line, “It’s Christmas time, there’s no need to be afraid.”? Easy, eh? It’s Band Aid’s “Do They Know it’s Christmas?”. And while

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In this two-minute read, we look at how new trends could change our homes next year and in the future. If the past couple of years has taught us anything, it’s that no one really knows what’s going to happen in the future. But we’ve dusted down our crystal ball

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This three-minute read explains the role of rent guarantors. When a landlord has a niggle of anxiety over whether a prospective tenant will pay their rent, there is a way they can help protect their investment. A landlord can ask a tenant to provide a guarantor to ‘guarantee the tenancy’.

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In this two-minute read, we look at reasons why a property may be classified as unmortgageable. Selling a property can be tricky at the best of times, but when a property is deemed unmortgageable things can get complicated. ‘Unmortgageable’ means lenders won’t allow a potential buyer to borrow the money

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In this two-minute read, we look at why it’s so important and enjoyable to buy from local, independent stores. Tomorrow, Saturday 4 December, is national Small Business Saturday. The campaign, which was begun by American Express, is in its ninth year and has grown steadily. In 2020, a record £1.1

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In this three-minute read, we look at the growing calls for tougher action against rogue landlords. Landlords who struggle with all the rules and regulations associated with renting out a property – be warned. Councils are coming under increasing pressure to throw the book at landlords who flout the law.

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In this three-minute read, we look at how to gauge if an agent is giving you an honest property valuation. The first question a seller always asks an estate agent is: “How much can you sell my property for?”. The second is: “What is your fee?”. This focus on price

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In this two-minute read, we look at five fundamental ways landlords in Leicester can make their rental properties more profitable. Some people think the only way landlords can make more profit is to ruthlessly keep hiking up their tenants’ rent. But that’s incorrect on two fronts. Firstly, continually increasing a tenant’s

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In this two-minute read, we look at a question we often get asked at Knightsbridge Estate Agents around the question of whether being granted planning permission adds value to a property? The quick answer to this is nearly always a yes. Here are four ways being granted planning permission can add

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In this three-minute read, we look at the issues Leicester landlords should consider before raising rents. The uptick in inflation, along with pressure on interest rates, means that many landlords will be considering rent increases right now. Before deciding on a course of action, here are some points to consider.

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In this two-minute read, we look at three remote communities that have long embraced sustainable living. With the interest raised by the COP26 summit highlighting the desperate need to cut carbon emissions, housing sustainability has become a hot topic. In the UK, there’s been lots of talk about using new

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In this two-minute read, we ask if it’s wise to buy a rental property in Leicester with a buddy. Purchasing a buy-to-let property with a friend is an appealing prospect – on paper, at least. But it’s important to carefully weigh up the risks and rewards before taking the plunge.

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In this three-minute read, we give you the lowdown on mortgage fees. When it comes to finding the best mortgage deal, there’s one question savvy home buyers should ask themselves. And it’s not: “Which deal is offering the lowest interest rate?”. While interest rates are obviously important, mortgage hunters should

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In this two-minute read, we give you a quick checklist to make sure your project is as pain free as possible. Got your eye on a property that needs some major TLC? Whether a rental investment or a new home, there’s lots to consider when buying a run-down property. Finances

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In this 90 second read, we share 10 of the best feel-good movies to make staying in this winter a little bit more bearable. At Knightsbridge Estate Agents we love a good film, and we think the ones that have made it to this list are bound to leave you

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In this three-minute read, we give you the lowdown on mortgage fees. When it comes to finding the best mortgage deal, there’s one question savvy home buyers should ask themselves. And it’s not: “Which deal is offering the lowest interest rate?”. While interest rates are obviously important, mortgage hunters should

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In this three-minute read, we examine the dangers posed by carbon monoxide. We recently read a statistic about private landlords that left us scratching our heads. A whopping 56% of private renters say they live in a property that doesn’t have a carbon monoxide alarm*. Can such a high percentage

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? We are excited to see this event back for 2021 ? Oadby Festive Light Switch On ? Join us in Oadby Town centre for the Annual Light switch on where we will be raising money for Leicester Children’s Holidays by having the big man himself  in our Grotto. When: Saturday 20th November

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The stamp duty tax holiday is over, furlough finished at the end of September, unemployment is due to rise and inflation is rife … is this the end of the post lockdown Leicester property boom? Surely, we are heading for house price correction? Forecasting what will happen in the Leicester

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The number of properties for sale in Leicester has fallen by 31% since this time two years ago (October 2019). One of the reasons is that many Leicester buyers feel overwhelmed and fearful they will be made homeless if they sell their home and can’t buy another. So, I have

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Wages rising by 8.3% pa – how will this affect the Leicester property market? As they struggle to meet demand, Argos have had to increase the wages of their HGV drivers from £11.41 an hour to £15 an hour – a rise of 31.2% meaning their pay goes from £27k

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Only 1 in 20 Leicester Properties are Bungalows, Despite an Ageing Population. Why? The bungalow is a building that has represented a more leisurely, gentler way of life since the early 1900’s. Bungalows have been sold as an aspiration for those about to retire, saving them the annoyance of having

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In this three-minute read, we look at where three GB Olympic stars started their sporting journey. Eleven thousand elite athletes will converge in Tokyo next week for the 32nd Summer Olympic Games. Each of them will have put in tens of thousands of hours in practice and shed blood, sweat,

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The value of an average Leicester semi-detached house has increased in value by £13,976 in the last 12 months, an increase in value of 6.19%. Yet the costs of building a Leicester home have shot up even more in the last 12 months, meaning the price of Leicester new homes

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In this two-minute read, we explain why your letting agent should be part of a client money protection (CMP) scheme. The lettings sector used to be the Wild West of the property market, with a small group of unscrupulous agents giving the industry a bad name. Thankfully, the introduction of

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In this three-minute read, we look at how Leicester landlords can protect themselves from getting caught up in the most common cause of end-of-tenancy disputes. When a tenancy comes to an end, one issue more than any other causes disagreements. And it’s not holes in walls or missing rent payments that take

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In this three-minute read, we explain how renters can avoid getting ripped off by fake landlords. Renters in Leicester should be on their guard against fraudsters using Covid-19 as a cover to swindle people out of their hard-earned cash. Rental fraud is not a new scam – Action Fraud, the UK’s

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We show our support for a vitally important project which comes with Royal approval. Children’s Mental Health Week (CMHW) is running from Monday 1 to Sunday 7 February. The project’s patron, HRH The Duchess of Cambridge, launched the event with a special video message. The Duchess is a passionate supporter

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They rarely agree about anything, but MPs from different parties were singing from the same hymn sheet during yesterday’s virtual House of Commons debate around extending the Stamp Duty holiday. The debate was triggered by an online public petition that wants to see a six-month extension to the existing deadline

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In this two-minute read, we share three short stories to make you smile.   We may be in the middle of a winter lockdown, but there are still plenty of reasons to be cheerful.   Here are a few upbeat stories from around the world to lift your mood.  

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In this three-minute read, we look at England’s new leasehold reform package. What will the new leasehold reforms, announced last week, deliver for leasehold property owners in LEICESTER? Here’s what we know so far. Now, ‘leasehold reform’ may not be the sexiest of subject matters, but if you are one

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A local estate agency has bought 120 computer tablets for schoolchildren affected by the latest lockdown. Knightsbridge Estate Agents, which has three offices across Leicester, were compelled to help after hearing news reports, many local children do not have access to laptops or tablets. This means they cannot easily access

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The Prime Minister announced at 8pm this last night that people in England will be going back into lockdown tomorrow following a surge in Coronavirus cases. The tighter restrictions include schools shutting until the February half-term for most pupils. People must now work from home if they can, and only

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We look to share some resolution ideas to bring some hope in 2021. 99.9 per cent of us cannot wait to see the back of 2020. And what better time to draw a line under this ‘unprecedented’ year than the opportunity to welcome in a new year. And one which

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