Moving to Leicester: Pain Free Packing Tips

When you ask most people what’s been the most stressful thing they’ve gone through, many of them will put ‘moving house’ up there with changing jobs or having a new baby. Not only do you have the long process of trying to find a house to suit your needs, there’s months of paperwork and phone calls with solicitors, switching your utility suppliers to a new house, and sorting out things like new schools for the children. This is all before the actual moving day, where you may find yourself running around trying to cram things into boxes.

One thing that can help with the stress of moving is being organised, and this is especially important when it comes to packing. If you don’t want to be dashing around on the morning of the move, follow these tips for pain-free packing and a smooth move.

Declutter first

A new home means a fresh start, so in the weeks before the move, spend time decluttering and deciding what you really want to take with you. Garages, sheds and lofts can be real clutter zones after you’ve lived in a house for a few years, so you may want to get a skip or hire a van when you clear them out, making it easy to get rid of junk.

Try not to send too much to landfill. Charity shops will usually be grateful for donations, and some will even collect larger items such as furniture. Once you’ve had a big declutter, the job of packing will seem much less daunting.

Buy supplies

Having the right supplies is important, so make sure you have:

  • Plenty of strong boxes
  • Tape and tape guns
  • Labels and permanent markers
  • Bubble wrap
  • Strong bin bags

You can buy packing boxes online, or pick them up free from Freecycle or Facebook, as you’ll often find local people who’ve just moved and who want to get rid of their boxes.

Start early and pack things professionally

The earlier you start packing, the better the job you’ll do. Most people have things in their house they don’t use often, from decorative items to books, so start with these items that you won’t mind putting away for a while.

To pack properly, you should:

  • Find the right size box and assemble it with plenty of tape
  • Decide whether it will be used for fragile items, and if so, line it with bubble wrap
  • Put the heaviest items in first, then lighter items on top, wrapping in bubble wrap if needed
  • Don’t overfill boxes. If you have heavy items, pack them in a lot of small boxes rather than one very heavy, bulky box
  • Seal the top using plenty of tape
  • Clearly label the box with the name of the room and a brief description of the contents
  • Make sure the box is clearly labelled ‘fragile’ if your removal company need to take extra care

Pack a suitcase each and an essentials box

A few days before the move, pack a suitcase for each member of the family with the clothes they wear most often, not forgetting school and work uniforms, and then start gathering essentials together in a big plastic box. This box will contain the items you’ll need on the day of the move, from paperwork and toys to teabags and a kettle, so you don’t need to unpack boxes the minute you arrive.

Once you know which essentials to keep handy, you can go from room to room and pack up, using the same tips as before. The aim is that by the night before the move, the only things you’ll have left unpacked will be bedding, a few clothes, and some kitchen essentials.

The day of the move

When you’re getting ready on the day of the move, you can pack as you go. For example, bedding can be rolled up and placed in thick bin bags, ready to go to the new house. It’s worth having a couple of extra boxes made up so that you can throw in any odd bits and bobs as the removal company do their job.

It’s always recommended to hire a professional removal team, as they’ll make moving day so much easier. If you’ve packed everything properly, then it should be a smooth process to get everything in the van and ready to go. If you really don’t like the thought of packing, then you may choose to use a professional packing service, where everything is packed up for you a couple of days before the move, saving you time and stress.

If you are planning on moving to the Leicester area soon, why not telephone us or call in. We’ll be happy to advise you on our available properties in the area. Contact us on 0116 271 3333


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