The Billionaire Christmas Wish List

At Knightsbridge Estate Agents, we always charge our clients a value for money fee unlike some of the eye-watering prices you’re about to discover. Here are what billionaires are willing to stump up for shoes, burgers, a photo, some vino, and an unbelievable home – a three-minute read.

Have you written out your Christmas wish list yet?

If your loved ones have given you theirs, and you’ve thought, ‘do they think I’m made of money?’, consider yourself lucky.

The letters to Santa from the mega-rich contain some incredibly pricey everyday items.


£237,000 (yep, you read that right)

A bottle of wine for good neighbours is usually seen as a nice gift. But the 1947 Cheval Blanc is probably only something Jeff Bezos could afford to give to the people over the road. This rare vintage was thought to be the only bottle of its type when it sold at a 2011 auction for a record amount.



What better way to finish a socially distanced Christmas shopping trip than grabbing a burger?

The Guinness World Records confirmed that a Dutch Chef had made the priciest piece of fast food on the planet. The Diego’s Wagyu burger is made up of Wagyu steak, lobster, caviar, foie gras, truffle, and 24-carat gold leaf. You’ll probably want to savour EVERY mouthful, very slowly.



While this Christmas will see many of us having smaller than usual gatherings, a lot of us like to dress up smartly on 25 December.

A diamond merchant, Laljibhai Patel, paid a record-breaking £450,000 at a charity auction for a suit which was personalised with gold monogrammed stripes. The outfit used to belong to India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. So, not only did Patel buy a second-hand suit, but it also had someone else’s name all over it – literally.


£3.36m (And it’s not that nice)

The festive period is often a great time to be at home, make memories, and take photos. But if you had the kind of cash that Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich has, you might be tempted to buy Andreas Gursky’s snap Rhein II for your living room wall. We think we take much better photos of the properties we sell. If you Google the crazily expensive photo, you’ll see what we mean.

Now, one thing we do know a lot about at Knightsbridge Estate Agents, is the values of homes in Leicester.

We know what will be popular with buyers when we see it.

But in all honesty, the world’s most expensive home, called Antilia, which is owned by Indian business magnate Mukesh Ambani, left us scratching our heads at its valuation.

The 27-storey Mumbai tower block comes complete with a 50-seat theatre, three helipads, a ballroom, 168-car garage, and even its own air traffic control room.

And there was us thinking that a friend’s Christmas tree that we saw on social media was over the top.

The building is valued at around £1.6 BILLION. But architecturally, it looks like something a five-year-old has stuck together while distracted when watching CBeebies. (Again, Google it and you’ll see what we mean.)

Most of the buyers we show around the homes we sell are looking for much simpler creature comforts.

And while billionaire buyers are a rare breed, there are still plenty of serious buyers looking to move in Leicester. And at the top of their Christmas wish list, is finding a new place to call home in 2021.

Thanks for reading and if we can help you with any of your property needs, please get in touch.

Copyright 2020 Knightsbridge Estate Agents


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