Thanks to All of Leicester’s Christmas Heroes

It’s the night before Christmas, and excitement is reaching fever pitch among children (and adults, some of our team included).

But let’s also spare a thought and share some gratitude for the people, around one million of them across the UK, who work on December 25th.

While you’re tucking into the turkey or munching away on your seasonal veg, it can be easy to forget that it’s another working day for some of our neighbours.

Emergency services, hospital staff, carers, traffic officers, HGV drivers, and hospitality workers all come to mind as people who will be putting in shifts across Leicester while many of us are having fun.

There are also scores of volunteers who give up their time on Christmas Day.

From helpline call handlers to those who organise lunches on December 25th for lonely or vulnerable people in the community.

These superstars are giving the most precious present anyone can – their time and attention.

So, to all those hardworking and community-spirited folks, we salute you.

You are local heroes, and we are grateful to you. And we hope you get some quality downtime to enjoy the festive season.

At Knightsbridge Estate Agents we’ll be taking a well-earned break to prepare ourselves for what promises to be a very busy 2022 for the Leicester property market.

Our opening hours over the festive period are:

  • 24th December – 3rd January closed
  • 4th January normal office hours resume

All of us at Knightsbridge Estate Agents would like to wish everyone in Leicester a happy, healthy, and very Merry Christmas.




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