
Knightsbridge Estate Agents

Our Blog

Here at Knightsbridge Estate Agents, we are passionate about all things property. Our blog is a space where we share valuable insights, expert tips, and the latest property buying, selling, and investing trends.


As experienced estate agents, we understand that navigating the property market can be exciting and overwhelming. Whether you are a first-time buyer, a seasoned investor, or a homeowner looking to sell, our blog is designed to be your trusted resource throughout your property journey.

Demand for puppies skyrocketed during lockdown, but with furlough ending later this month and the economy struggling, is the reality of pet ownership about to bite? Earlier this year, demand for puppies skyrocketed, with Google searches for “Puppies near me” increasing more than six times (by 650%) between January and

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It’s tempting when the clocks go back (as they will do on Sunday morning) to think that it’s all downhill to Christmas but take our word for it: there’s still time to make things happen in 2020. It’s mid-autumn and nine weeks until Santa visits – too early for us

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This week we take a look at what the new tier system means for home sellers and buyers in Leicester. The tier system announced by the Government last week to combat the increase in Covid-19 cases has caused some concern from home sellers and buyers who are looking to move.

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In this two-minute read, we look at ways to make your Leicester home a warm, welcoming retreat.   As the nights draw in and the mercury drops, it’s time to take a little inspiration from our Nordic neighbours.   The stylish Danes have mastered the art of dealing with long,

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A rare warm breeze is a playful reminder that we are now into autumn, the summer months having passed us by. Blue skies peppered with clouds will seemingly quickly turn to rain. Mornings start with wet ground underfoot, while the nights are already drawing in and the streetlights in and

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Embracing the Future – We’ve gone 3D Like many people, we learned a lot during the lockdown. When the property market went on hold for the best part of six weeks, we had time to look at how we did things and to explore new ideas. Top of our to-do

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In this 90-second speed read, we discover how something so simple to do can have such big positive effects. This month sees the world’s biggest drawing festival take place. Throughout October, there are activities taking place across the globe to encourage people to pick up a pencil and pen and

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As if we didn’t have enough to contend with already this year, autumn has arrived, and that means cold and flu season is underway. For some, weeks of sniffling, sneezing and generally feeling a little under par lie ahead. So, what can you do to protect yourself from unwanted germs,

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Thinking about Moving? Here’s what’s on the Horizon in the Leicester Housing Market In this three-minute read, we look at the long-term forecasts for the housing market and what they mean if you’re thinking about moving in Leicester. After one of the most unusual years on record for the housing

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Is this breaking news the answer to Leicester first-time buyers’ prayers? A two-minute read. Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced earlier this afternoon that he would make the dream of buying a first home a more achievable reality for first-time buyers. The news came in a speech to the virtual Conservative conference.

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In this three-minute read, we look at ways to keep your body and mind active in October. 1 Plant some bulbs Bulbs are easy to plant, can go in either the ground or pots, require virtually no looking after and pack a colourful punch. What’s not to like? Plant daffodils,

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We have been busy helping local schools with technology to help soothe children’s and parents’ back to school nerves following five months away from the classroom. We have used the virtual tour software they use to sell and let homes to give a tour of how Sir Jonthan North College

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In this three-minute read, we look at the dos and don’ts of photography when it comes to marketing a property. When selling or letting a property, it’s impossible to overstate the importance of getting the imagery right. As most buyers and renters spend hours scrolling through property portals before arranging

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Interior design trends come and go with the seasons, but there are few trends that stick around long enough to be considered staples in home decorating. Houseplants are one of those evergreen (no pun intended) trends. Not only do they give a breath of fresh air into your home by

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We look at the things people are stopping and starting in October. 2020 will go down in history as the year when life stopped, albeit temporarily. And with local lockdowns coming into force, that feeling of stop-starting stuff is still around. It’s a little like the hokey cokey but with

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In this two-minute read, we look at why movers in Leicester need to act now if they want to save thousands of pounds in cash. The legendary American author Mark Twain famously said this about procrastination: ‘Never put off till tomorrow which may be done the day after tomorrow.’ And

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A two-minute read. Sometimes we all must talk about things we feel uncomfortable discussing. It could be with a neighbour whose parking is driving you to distraction. Or your colleague who doesn’t know the meaning of leaving the work kitchen as they’d like to find it. Maybe it’s the sweat-inducing

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In this three-minute read, we look at seven things you can do to ease the back-to-school nerves children may be facing ahead of the new academic year. The lockdown and ongoing fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic have been tough for everyone. But it’s been especially hard for school-aged children. They’ve

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In this two-minute read, we’ll share the secrets of how to put together a picnic you’ll be proud of. We’ve still a few weeks of summer to enjoy. And many people are still furloughed. If we’re lucky, the warm sunshine might hang around until late September. Even though the holiday

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We look at the despicable criminals targeting people’s phones in Leicester and what we can do to stop them. Do you know your fishing from your phishing? While one is a gentle pastime popular among millions, the other according to Wikipedia, is this: Phishing is the fraudulent attempt to obtain

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We look at ways to smarten up your garden to boost its appeal when thinking of selling your home. One of the most significant property trends to emerge from lockdown is the growing importance of outdoor space to buyers. Industry insiders report that post-lockdown, an increasing number of people are

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Why Laughing Does Wonders for Your Immune System In this two-minute read, we look at why laughter is so crucial during tough times. There’s a lot of uncertainty in the world now. But one thing you can be sure of, is that someone, somewhere, is making the most of life

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If you feel you’re spending a little too much time online lately, these easy to follow steps can help you take a digital detox. A three-minute read. Let’s face it most of have probably spent too much time online over the past month or so. We’re seeking distraction, information and

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How to make your spare time work for you during lockdown—a 2-minute read. One of the positives people seem to be drawing from life under lockdown is the realisation that most of us have had more of our most valuable asset made available. Time. Spare time. But time is like

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In this two-minute read, we look at five things landlords in Leicester can do to be proactive during the COVID-19 outbreak. We’re now almost a month into life under lockdown due to COVID-19. And while it can feel like the disease has turned the world upside down, there are still

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In this two-minute read, we look at some sensible and practical advice for landlords wondering what to do during the Coronavirus outbreak. The only thing that seems certain during this period of history is the uncertainty we’re all experiencing. And for landlords and tenants this a particularly anxious time. A

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A short but sweet 90-second read. In this quick round-up, we share some of the good news happening during life under lockdown. Welcome to the third Feelgood Friday update from us at Knightsbridge Estate Agents. And it’s a Good Friday Easter special as we look at four reasons to be

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If this past month has taught us anything, it may well be this. And that is never to take anything for granted. Our health, and that of our loved ones. Our freedom, and just how precious it is. And, the superheroes we are blessed with and what they do for

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In this 90 second read we share a quick round-up of some of the good news which is happening during life under lockdown. Welcome to the second Feelgood Friday update from us at Knightsbridge Estate Agents. And here are four reasons to be cheerful and optimistic that Leicester, the UK

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Many of us have a little more time on our hands than usual at the moment. And while learning a new language, trying at-home workouts and reading classic literature is all well and good, you can’t beat a good bit of sitting on the sofa and binging on addictive TV

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In this four-minute read, we look at the Government’s guidelines around questions tenants and landlords across Leicester are asking us. The Government has issued information about the rights and responsibilities that both tenants and landlords in Leicester have during the Coronavirus outbreak. Below are four common questions being asked by people

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A 2-minute read. In this article, we share six tips from Mr Money Saving Expert Martin Lewis on how you can make the most of your financial resources during this period of uncertainty. With all that’s happened during the past three weeks, you would be easily forgiven for losing sight

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In this 2-minute update we share a quick round-up of some of the good news which is happening during these tough times. Welcome to what will be a regular Feelgood Friday update from us at Knightsbridge Estate Agents. For every episode of selfish panic buying in Leicester, there are a

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In this two and a bit minute read, we look at four fantastic ways you can use the ‘lockdown’ to take on those decluttering chores, you never get a chance to do. You know those jobs you always said you’d sort out when you got time? Well with the Government’s

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In this two-minute read, we discover five ways to keep calm during these uncertain times. Well it’s fair to say that none of us have ever lived through such uncertain times. The Coronavirus outbreak has caused global uncertainty, panic and anxiety. It would be disingenuous of us if we said

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In this three-minute read, we share a Coronavirus information update for landlords in Leicester.  The situation and advice available following the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak is continually changing. At Knightsbridge Estate Agents we are doing all we can to keep landlords and tenants in Leicester as up to date as possible.

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In such fluid times we know how important it is to keep things moving. We are quickly implementing new ways of ensuring we can still offer the highest levels of service to all our clients. As part of our continued efforts from this week we will be launching our ‘Remote

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In this 90 second read we share a useful list of free internet resources which might prove VERY useful as parents and carers in Leicester start homeschooling. Out of all this uncertainty and anxiety has come plenty of positives. The news yesterday that schools in the U.K. were to shut

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In this two-minute read, we look at how landlords in Leicester can successfully tackle the challenges presented by the Coronavirus. Keep the lines of communication open Hopefully you already have a good relationship with your tenant. If you don’t, now’s the time to start. If you haven’t already contacted them

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In this two-minute read, we discover why landlords in Leicester need to get serious about electrical safety. After years in the pipeline, new electrical safety standards for private rental properties are expected to come into force on July 1. The legislation is likely to get the green light in the House of

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How to find good tenants When it comes to renting out a property, it pays to invest time in finding the right tenant. Good tenants will pay rent on time and leave your property in a good state when they move out. So how do you find them? Get your

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In this 90 second read, we celebrate the upcoming World Book Day and some of the moving stories we’re lucky enough to share.  It’s World Book Day later this week. This fantastic project aims to get more children reading for fun. And we’re fully supporting its efforts in Leicester. Its

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In this two-minute read, we discover the despicable scams which have developed around the Coronavirus outbreak. And how we can take action to protect ourselves, our families and our communities. The Coronavirus (Covid-19) has created a surge of people feeling anxious and fearful across Leicester. And low-life scammers are preying

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There’s more to life as a Leicester landlord than simply collecting monthly rental payments. Landlords must meet certain legal obligations. Be clear about what these are – otherwise you could wind up seriously out of pocket or in court. Be a good Leicester landlord By law, you must keep the

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In this 2-minute read, we discover one of the World’s most expensive palaces and why people in Leicester prefer their own simpler home comforts. Close your eyes and imagine the palace of your dreams. On second thoughts, don’t close your eyes because you won’t be able to read the rest of this

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In this 2-minute read, we discover some DIY disasters and why it pays to use professionals.  The Do it Yourself industry in the UK is valued at around £7billion a year. But according to a survey from consumer champion Which? DIYers are worth considerably more to tradespeople who are called

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In this 90 second read, we look at how one kind act started a movement in America which has become increasingly popular in the UK over the past few years. Monday 17 February is recognised as Random Act of Kindness Day. It’s a chance to do something positive, and what’s

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In this 2-minute read, we look at what people love, and hate, about homes in Leicester. Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and with romance in the air, we thought we’d share what makes people in Leicester love their homes. According to a news article based around a national survey by

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In this 2-minute read, we look at the effect leaving the EU has had on the property market, and if there will be a ‘Brexit bounce’ for house prices in Leicester. Love it or loathe it, or simply sick to the back teeth of it, Brexit is happening. But what impact

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In this 2-minute read, we look at ways people in Leicester can stop wasting their hard-earned cash. “What a waste of money.” It’s something we’ve all heard someone say. And if we’re honest with ourselves, something we’ve all done at some point. Buying that jumper that never saw the light of day.

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n this 90 second read, we share why Monday 20 January is the calendar’s gloomiest day and how you can use as it as a springboard for better things. Bob Geldof KBE sung about his dislike for Mondays in the classic Boomtown Rats’ hit. It’s safe to say then, that

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In this two-minute read, we gaze into our crystal ball while doing a quick Google search, to see what homes in 2030 might look like, work like and contain. Back in 1989 the BBC technology show Tomorrow’s World looked at what the average UK home of 2020 would look like.

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In this 90-second read, we reveal why there’s a lot more happening in January than new diets, broken resolutions and returning to normality. “Nothing happens in January, does it?” It’s a question we hear a lot from homeowners in Leicester who are thinking of selling but considering putting things off until spring.

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Happy new year! A new decade has begun, an ideal time to look back at the housing market over the past 10 years. In England and Wales, the average price of a property has risen by £72,000 over the past decade. Across the South East, South West and London, average

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In this 90 second read, we announce our free giveaway of a sold-out children’s book and the difference it is making to young lives. Breaking news ……We’ve teamed up with a children’s author and are giving away digital versions of his fast-selling book, Spot the Different. Jerry Lyons originally wrote

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In this 60-second read, we take a very quick look at what happened last night and what it means to the property market in Leicester. Here is a Non-party political broadcast by Knightsbridge Estate Agents.Boris Johnson and the Conservative Party have won a large majority following yesterday’s election. It’s very

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In this two-minute read, we share some of the jaw-dropping amounts of cash millionaires splash out when celebrating Christmas. And, why they’re probably wasting their money. Everyone celebrates Christmas in their own way. It’s that time of year when many of us get a little looser with our grip of

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In this two-minute read, we unwrap the staggering statistics and reasons which make Boxing Day more than just a time for food, family and friends. Picture the scene  – It’s the afternoon after the night before. It’s Boxing Day. The presents are all open, the wrapping all recycled, visitors entertained

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In this two-minute read, we explore ways we can all reduce the amount of plastic we use this festive period. And we’ve got a cracker of an idea for you to swap bad jokes for something to treasure. If it’s too early for some people to mention the C-word, it’s

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In this two-minute read, we pull back the covers to see why the property market in Leicester has insomnia and discover that’s no bad thing for local property owners. PLUS, three bonus tips on getting a good night’s sleep. The floor to ceiling coverage of the General Election may have

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In this two-minute read we look at how you can avoid scary problems with your home and buildings insurance. AND the essential items people regularly forget to cover. It’s scare season again and few things are more chilling than discovering your home isn’t correctly insured. Buildings and contents insurance is

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£4,753 is the total amount an average household spends on food and non-alcoholic drinks per year, the equivalent to 20 weeks’ average rent. Whether it’s cereal, sandwiches, roast dinner, cream tea, fish and chips, curry or fine dining, what we eat and where we eat it makes quite a dent

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In this 2-minute read, we share five property maintenance jobs that can stop small issues becoming major problems. The weather hasn’t been great these last two weeks in the UK. Rain has stopped play across the country. Dark mornings combined with relentless downpours can dampen even the sunniest disposition. But

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The 50p is 50! First introduced in October 1969 to replace the 10-shilling note, today there are over 100 different designs in circulation. 1997 saw the introduction of the new, lighter coin. In October 1969, the average price of a UK property was just £3,899. Today the average price is

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n this 2-minute read, we unveil a ‘secret’ that can help people looking to buy a property for the first time and why they need to act now. Getting your foot onto the property ladder is a big step for people. But it’s also a step that you can get

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We recently had a chat with the author of Spot the Different Jerry Lyons to find out more about the book, why he wrote it and also there are TWO EXCITING announcements. About the Book Spot the Different is a about a little girl who is scared of not fitting

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In this two-minute read we look at how to help your pets stay as calm as possible during fireworks season. So the trick and treating is over for another year. But fresh off the back of the ghostly going-ons of Halloween we plunge straight into fireworks season. Bonfire Night used

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The top 10 most mispronounced place names in the UK have been revealed by the creators of language app Babbel. Frome in Somerset, most commonly pronounced as rhyming with ‘home’, tops the list, average property prices here are just over the UK average. Although English is the second most spoken

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In this 2-minute read, we look at how you can protect yourself from being targeted by burglars with home security advice from a reformed burglar. The nights are drawing in, and that brings burglars out. Burglaries rise in the autumn months as the extended periods of darkness give criminals more

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Do you have a property vision for 2020? We look at how you can give yourself the best possible chance to move into a new home in time for the new year.  It’s about this time of year we start seeing the start of festive offerings popping up in supermarket

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The eyes of the sporting world will be on Japan over the next seven weeks as the 2019 Rugby World Cup takes place. The tournament will be an opportunity for the land of the rising sun to showcase its people, culture and hospitality. And even if you’re not a fan

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With over 150 pieces of legislation potentially aeffecting Landlords and the Private rented Sector, our seventh Landlord & Investor Evening that was attended by over 100 local Leicester Landlords & Investors. Held at College Court Conference Centre, Knighton, LE2 3UF we provided FREE advice and in-depth advice from our Lettings

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The ninth Rugby World Cup commenced this weekend in Japan. 20 teams are set to scrum, kick and tackle it out over 48 matches until the champions are crowned on 2nd November in Yokohama. Based on pre-tournament rankings, Ireland and New Zealand should battle it out in the final, with

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https://youtu.be/AiVTbxyOAU8 In this two-minute read, we look at ways you can keep your home and family safe as the weather turns colder. Households across the country are having the same argument. And no, it’s nothing to do with Brexit but everything to do with when is the right time to

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Cracks, marks and stains leave the biggest negative impression on prospective buyers during a viewing, with a 76% turn-off rate. This is according to Sell House Fast who surveyed 1,266 people who have been to several viewings over the last year. 71% of prospective buyers said they would be dissatisfied

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You can never stop learning, and those who know me will know that I am always looking to gain new insight and develop new strategies to help our clients succeed, whether that be attending conferences all over the world, listening to podcasts, or reading.  One business book that has been

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There is so much happening in Leicester that we’re sure that with work and family commitments your life is as crazy as ours.  Buyers will be in the same boat and when they request a viewing at short notice you don’t want to let them down.  Saying no may push

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As the new term begins, vast numbers of students up and down the country will be starting to move into their new homes. The private rented sector is one of the primary providers of housing to students, accommodating 30% of students in 2017/18. Dataloft Rental Market Analytics (DRMA) reveals that,

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https://youtu.be/DO5xC94v5P4 Most homes in Leicester have at least one piece of IKEA furniture. It could be a Billy bookcase, Lack table or Poang armchair – those three being the Swedish flat-pack giant’s bestselling items. But IKEA is looking beyond helping you furnish your home with their products. Their goal is

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£3,485 is the estimated average cost of school uniforms for a child over the course or their school life (Reception to Year 11). The cost is equivalent to 4.31 months’ of a mortgage repayment or 3.31 months’ of average rent, although there are substantial regional variations. Across the North East

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You are invited to attend our Landlords and Investors Evening on Thursday 19th September from 6 pm at College Court Conference Centre, Knighton, LE2 3UF – whether you are a seasoned landlord or considering investing in property for the first time, why not pop along for some FREEadvice and have

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